March 10, 2007

It's a start

My daughters thought this would be a good idea, so here goes. I'm a blogger.
Life is good - I live in Hawaii. It's winter and that means big waves on the north shore. The other day I heard that surf was up, so I picked up Mike and we headed for the beach. The sun is setting in this picture at Kaena Point (a typical Lost shot for you TV watchers) and we took this photo not far from Turtle Beach.
It's my birthday today. Mike is in Orlando, but he gave me my birthday present early - golf clubs. I've been 4 times already, twice with Coach Mike, once with Jill and once with Bonnie. My golfing is pretty pitiful, but I'm having fun. Kahuku Golf Course is cheap and scenic, just my style. Wednesday, we were waiting on Hole #3 when a whale decided to put on a show for us not too far off shore - spouting, breaching and splashing his flute (tail). Hole #4 is hilarious. From atop a hill, you tee off on a little piece of carpet.


Sarah said...

I love that you have joined in our blogging! This one looks just like your style. I am jelous you got to see a whale - I have yet to see one. We must when we come this Christmas!

Hannah said...

Yay, Mom!! I am so glad that you are a blogger. Those pictures make me miss Hawaii...

Christy said...

welcome to blogger-dome!

Anonymous said...

so, now I have a friend who is a bloogger, no, blogger. GOLF! that sounds so fun. will you go with me in May? We must go anonymously and hopefully when there won't be anyone around for miles. I am the most unathletic person ever born but have always wanted to try golfing. hope i can figure out how to post this. e

Anonymous said...

This is simply lovely.

Justin said...

Good for your nagging children - welcome to blog-o-topia