Well, we're moving - again. I guess it's only right that the new president should live in the President's House. Mike's being a good sport about it, but I'm a little miffed - I'm too old and we have to much stuff to make this a yearly event. And there is one other little problem - nowhere to go as yet, and we have to be out in two weeks.
The Falco family came April 2006. Here they are with Hannah and Emma eating Shave Ice. Michelle and Chris returned in 2007. That's Michelle buying souvenirs at Matsumoto's a year later.
We invited Mom Ross to come and celebrate her 80th birthday here in Hawaii (December 2006). We took a little side trip to Maui and this is me, Mom and Dad at the historic Pulehu Chapel.
June 2006 was a bonanza for me, with Sarah and Ariel (they got engaged at Turtle Bay), Adam, Hannah, Jason and Emma, all under one roof. What fun to have so many family here and we actually had room for them all.
Tom and Diane & Doug and Robin from BYU Print and Mail dropped in. Even though Mike was out of town, they invited me to dinner at their rented beach house. Steak sure beats Cheerios.
Elaine came this month (May 2007). There's nothing like having your best friend stay for two weeks of gab and galavanting. Bonnie Huff introduced us to boiled peanuts at the Hygenic Store on our self-proclaimed art gallery tour of the East Shore.
Marianne Rich and Sara Sargeant spent the night and brought back their roommates, including cousin Elisa Patterson, for Mother's Day. If I can't have my own children here, the Patterson offspring are next best. They even brought flowers.
And the last, but certainly not the least, to stay in our house on Kulanui Street was El Little. She wanted to do some island hopping. We went to the Big Island and Maui, but we spent a few nights right here too. Unfortunately, she took all the pictures, so I'll post one later.
Even though we've only been here 15 months, we had a bunch of fun people stay with us. This is a great house for guests. Here are a few. I had to leave out Alexis Reynolds (July 2006) and John (Heather Meese's friend, March 2007) because I didn't take pictures of them:
Carolyn and Russ Hanson played chaperones for Divine Comedy and brought them over for a private show (April 2006) on the lanai. The Hansons stayed here, the students bunked up at Turtle Bay.
The Smiths kids, Clinton, Rachel and Clara, came last summer. It was so fun to have them here, they're so enthused about everything. Clinton even ordered Spam and Eggs at the Hukilau Cafe.- Clinton, Rachel, Clara (July 2006)

Of course, they came with their parents, Dave and Ann, who came back the next year (and April 2007)
Dave is almost as annoying as Dad used to be on family vacations - taking pictures of us at inopportune times, like in a swimsuit.
Marlin and Annette came for the family "meeting" in April 2007.
Adam was here for Spring and Summer semesters (2006) doing an internship. 
The Adorable Emma (Feb through August 2006) was with us from the day we moved in. She perfected her walk in the big living room. She like it best before the furniture arrived.

The Adorable Emma (Feb through August 2006) was with us from the day we moved in. She perfected her walk in the big living room. She like it best before the furniture arrived.

I am so sad not to be coming back to that house. Fun pictures!!
I am so sad too! I wish we could come out and help you move... or are you getting that hired out? Anyway - home is where you guys are. Hopefully there will be enough room for all of us at Christmas.
Well you can put me on the list of houseguests at your next house...I NEED to come back to Hawaii. It's been far too long!
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